
unusual facts about With Great Power...

With Great Power...

Enrichment scenes "belong" to individual characters and players, though these can invite other players to participate in the scene, either as their character playing different non player characters.

see also

C. I. Gunesekera

David Sheppard described him as "a great cricketer who would surely have played Test cricket if he had qualified for another country ... a fine, forcing batsman, driving with great power, and a good leg-spin bowler".

Spider-Man: With Great Power

Tony Harris explained that With Great Power takes place in between the two panels in which Amazing Fantasy writer Stan Lee's narration mentions the coming weeks and months that passed, during which Spider-Man used his superhuman abilities to become a celebrity.

Spider-Man: With Great Power is a five-issue comic book limited series from Marvel Comics written by David Lapham and illustrated by Tony Harris, which premiered on January 9, 2008.