
unusual facts about Entrée d'Espagne

Entrée d'Espagne

On his return to Spain, he meets a hermit who forewarns Roland that he will be killed seven years after the French successfully conquer the city of Pamplona.

Anne Muxel

Une enquête comparative France, Italie, Espagne, L’Harmattan, 287 p.

Ferdinand Hérold

Hérold collaborated with Daniel Auber on Vendôme en Espagne (1823) which capitalized on the fad for Spanish atmosphere, following the French victory at Trocadero in Spain.

Ferdinand Konščak

Alexander von Humboldt used the maps in his work Carte generale... de la Nouvelle Espagne, (Paris, 1804).


The Western Pyrenees National Park covers a significant area, and includes well-known attractions such as the Cirque de Gavarnie and the Pont d'Espagne.

Jean-Louis-Brigitte Espagne

Jean-Louis-Brigitte Espagne, Count d'Espagne and of the Empire (born 16 February 1769 in Auch, died 21 May 1809 on the island of Lobau) was a French cavalry commander of the French Revolutionary Wars, who rose to the top military rank of General of Division and took part to the Napoleonic Wars.

Pyotr Chikhachyov

In early 1878, at the age of 71, he visited Algeria and Tunis, and in 1880 he published a description of his travel under the title Espagne, Algérie et Tunisie.

see also