On June 27, officials said 12 of 70 planned dewatering wells at Eppley Airfield in Omaha were functional.
The river cut off the oxbow during an 1877 flood, leaving behind Carter Lake on a portion of its former course; the Supreme Court ruled in 1893 that though the land cut off by the river's changed route now lay west of the Missouri, it remained part of Iowa.
Tachikawa Airfield | Lasham Airfield | Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases | Bagram Airfield | Wheeler Army Airfield | Robertson Airfield | Nagoya Airfield | Moffett Federal Airfield | Ladd Army Airfield | Hinton-in-the-Hedges Airfield | General William J. Fox Airfield | Foggia Airfield Complex | Fayence-Tourrettes Airfield | Eppley Foundation | Eppley Airfield | Youks-les-Bains Airfield | Tushino airfield | Tatsinskaya Airfield | Simmons Army Airfield | Rosignano Airfield | Predannack Airfield | Potomac Airfield | Middleburg Airfield | MidCoast Regional Airport at Wright Army Airfield | Michael Army Airfield | Maxson Airfield | Marfa Army Airfield | Mareeba Airfield | Lowood Airfield Circuit | Little Gransden Airfield |
Air Midwest (U.S. Airways Express) began service on October 29, 2006, with two daily flights to Grand Island and on to Omaha Eppley Airfield and Kansas City International Airport.