
unusual facts about Eranos


:For the town in Armenia, see Yeranos.


Eranos |

Alfons Rosenberg

He was a part of the intellectual discussion group Eranos, through which he became acquainted with C. G. Jung, Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn, Hugo Rahner and other renowned people.

Henry Corbin

In 1949, Corbin first attended the annual Eranos Conferences in Ascona, Switzerland, where he was to become a major figure along with Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade, Gershom Scholem, Adolf Portmann and many others.

Katedralskolan, Linköping

Sällskapet för vitterhet och hävd – Eranos (known as VH-E), dedicated to history, literature and philosophy, has been residents to the school since 1795 and counts many famous names amongst its members, such as Jöns Jacob Berzelius and Tage Danielsson.

Rudolf Ritsema

In 1956 Ritsema began to collaborate with Froebe and the Swiss zoologist and natural philosopher Adolf Portmann (1897–1982) in the planning of the Eranos Conferences.

see also