
unusual facts about Erdős


Richard Erdoes (1912–2008), Hungarian-Austrian born American artist

Back-and-forth method

It can be used to prove that the Erdős–Rényi model of random graphs, when applied to countably infinite graphs, always produces a unique graph, the Rado graph.

Edgar Gilbert

Edgar Nelson Gilbert (July 25, 1923 – June 15, 2013) was an American mathematician and coding theorist, a longtime researcher at Bell Laboratories whose accomplishments include the Gilbert–Varshamov bound in coding theory, the Gilbert–Elliott model of bursty errors in signal transmission, and the Erdős–Rényi model for random graphs.

Erdős–Rényi model

If P is any graph property which is monotone with respect to the subgraph ordering (meaning that if A is a subgraph of B and A satisfies P, then B will satisfy P as well), then the statements "P holds for almost all graphs in G(n, p)" and "P holds for almost all graphs in G(n, \tbinom{n}{2} p) " are equivalent (provided pn2 → ∞).

Highly abundant number

Highly abundant numbers and several similar classes of numbers were first introduced by Pillai (1943), and early work on the subject was done by Alaoglu and Erdős (1944).

Ke Zhao

Some of his major contributions included his work on quadratic forms, the Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem and his breakthrough on Catalan's conjecture.

Richárd Erdős

Richárd Erdős (Brno, 18 May 1881 - Frankfurt, 9 June 1912) was a Jewish Hungarian bass opera singer who was father of the American children's author Richard Erdoes.

Scholar Indices and Impact

The Erdős-Number project at Oakland University maintains a website tracking the Erdős numbers of scientists world-wide.

Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki

20 Charles Pisot, Démonstration élémentaire du théorème des nombres premiers, d'après Selberg et Erdös (prime number theorem)

Włodzimierz Kuperberg

He was honored again at Auburn by a five-year Alumni Professor chairship in 1996, and again by an Erdős Professorship in 1999, which he used to visit the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest.

see also