Erdesbach borders in the north on the municipality of Ulmet, in the east on the municipality of Bedesbach, in the south on the municipality of Altenglan, in the southwest on the municipality of Blaubach and in the west on the municipality of Oberalben.
Today, the village is almost purely a residential community for those who commute to jobs in Kusel, Kaiserslautern, Ramstein, Baumholder and even as far away as Mannheim and Ludwigshafen.
--That is the past perfect, not a mistake!--> to attend school in Ulmet until 1762.
Until 1966, the more than 500-year-old Gallusmarkt (“Saint Gall’s Market”) was celebrated together with the bigger neighbouring municipality of Ulmet in the middle of the week as a kermis (church consecration festival).
Since 1973, primary school pupils from the villages of Ulmet, Erdesbach, Niederalben and Rathsweiler have been attending the primary school in Ulmet, with at first two of that school’s classes being housed at the Big School in Erdesbach.
In 1969 and 1970, year levels 5 to 8 were incorporated into the newly built Altenglan Mittelpunktschule (“midpoint school”, a central school, designed to eliminate smaller outlying schools).
Four prehistoric barrows stand in a row on the heights along the municipal limit with Altenglan (Ortsteil of Patersbach).
It belongs to the Verbandsgemeinde of Altenglan, whose seat is in the like-named municipality.
Blaubach borders in the north on the municipality of Oberalben, in the east on the municipalities of Erdesbach and Altenglan, in the south on the town of Kusel and in the west on the municipality of Körborn.
270 (Kusel–Rammelsbach–Altenglan–Patersbach–Bedesbach–Erdesbach–Ulmet–Rathsweiler–Niederalben–Eschenau–Sankt Julian–Glanbrücken–Offenbach am Glan–Wiesweiler–Lauterecken),