
5 unusual facts about Eremas Wartoto

Eremas Wartoto

Ahead of the launch of Travel Air in July 2011, allegations were made by the media in PNG that parliamentarian Paul Tiensten had assisted with illegally financing the company by giving K10 million to Wartoto.

Investigation Task Force Sweep

The primary matter for investigation by Task Force Sweep was with respect to monies appropriated through the Development Budget from 2009 to 2011, and in particular the PGK125 million intended for the Kokopo Community Projects and a PGK10 million sum that was disbursed to Kokopo businessman Eremas Wartoto.

Ruby Zarriga was arrested in September 2011 on allegations of conspiracy to defraud the State and misappropriation of public funds, relating to a PGK10 million payment to businessman Eremas Wartoto.

In August 2011, businessman Eremas Wartoto became the first person to be arrested by Task Force Sweep, in relation to the misappropriation of PGK7 million of public funds, designated for an education project.

Paul Tiensten

It was alleged that Tiensten conspired with Travel Air’s owner, businessman Eremas Wartoto, to make the payment while he was National Planning Minister, despite being aware that the company was inactive.


Eremas Wartoto |

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