
unusual facts about Eretz Yisrael


In the original meaning it was for the resque of the Yishuv ha-Yashan of Eretz Yisrael, the funds were distributed by the Kollelim in form of chalukah.

see also

History of Jews in Opatów

In 1939, the last election before the war, Mizrahi received 159, Al Hamishmar received 110, The Working Eretz Yisrael list received 91 and the General Zionists 33.

Jerusalem Talmud

For example, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim of the Makhon Shilo institute has issued a siddur reflecting Eretz Yisrael practice as found in the Jerusalem Talmud and other sources.

Land of Israel

Following the Six Day War in 1967, the 1977 elections and the Oslo Accords, the term Eretz Israel became increasingly associated with right-wing expansionist groups who sought to conform the borders of the State of Israel with the biblical Eretz Yisrael.

Yaakov Dovid Wilovsky

In 1905, Ridvaz left America and moved to Safed, where he established a yeshiva, Toras Eretz Yisrael, and entered into controversy with Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook over the proper observance of the Shemittah year.