The store currently sells much Jewish literature, including the Siddur, Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, Halakhic works, as well as works of Jewish philosophy, Hasidut and Kabbalah, both in the original Hebrew version and with English translation, as well as many Jewish-themed non-fiction and fiction books.
Some of these texts include, “Seder Eliyahu” an autobiography, “Teffilat David” an explication of the meaning of the Siddur, “Cheshbonos Shel Mitzvah” an exposition on the 613 biblical commandments, “Seder Parshios” a commentary on the weekly portion of the Torah, “Zecher Lemikdash” a work concerning rabbinic precepts intended to be observed as a remembrance of the Temple, and many others.
The Feldheim library includes the complete works of Samson Raphael Hirsch, including his collected writings and commentaries on the Chumash, siddur, Haggadah of Pesach, and Tehillim.
The church has the rest of the liturgical ritual being rooted in the Jewish Passover, Siddur, Seder, and synagogue services, including the singing of hymns (especially the Psalms) and reading from the Scriptures (Old and New Testament).
For example, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim of the Makhon Shilo institute has issued a siddur reflecting Eretz Yisrael practice as found in the Jerusalem Talmud and other sources.
It lays down principles for the investigation of the Rabbinic exegesis (Midrash) and of the siddur (prayer-book of the synagogue).
Zlotowitz and Scherman are the general editors of ArtScroll's Talmud, Chumash, Tanakh, Siddur, and Machzor series.
As stated by the siddur's editors in the Introduction, the committee was inspired by Martin Buber’s I and Thou to compose liturgy that addressed God most often as "You," rather than "He" or "She," in order to encourage a more personal bond between the reader and his or her God.