He has been published in Ergo, Seattle Review, Red Cedar Review, The Ohio Poetry Review and Raven Chronicles.
He is the author of Jean's Way and the best-seller Final Exit; he is also the president of the Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization and advisor to the Final Exit Network.
The "Archive" goals were to publish scores of Brazilian music, which standed out in its first publishing: Missa dos Defuntos (1809) for 4 voices a cappella and Tantum Ergo by Padre José Maurício Nunes Garcia, Canto Religioso and O Salutaris by Francisco Manuel da Silva, and several opera's passages reduced to piano part from Joanna de Flandres by Carlos Gomes.
Complicating matters is Bat-Mite, a well-meaning imp from another dimension called Ergo, who considers himself Batman's biggest fan.