Umberto Bossi | Marco Antonio Barrera | Erma Franklin | Giuseppe Bossi | Erma Duricko | Daniel Barrera Barrera | Dagoberto Rodríguez Barrera | Alberto Barrera Tyszka |
Bossi captured the junior middleweight crown from American Freddie Little on a unanimous 15 round decision on July 9, 1970.
The picture has a number of producers, including: Mariela Besuievski, Pablo Bossi, Florencia Enghel, Gerardo Herrero, Vanessa Ragone, Walter Salles, and Ariel Saúl.
The third and final NKVM exhibition showed 58 paintings by 8 artists: Erma Barrera-Bossi, Wladimir von Bechtejeff, Adolf Erbslöh, Pierre Girieud, Alexej von Jawlensky, Alexander Kanoldt, Moissey Kogan and Marianne von Werefkin, and 8 illustrations – one for each participant.
Bossi gave his last two sons unusual, politically charged names: "Roberto Libertà" (libertà means freedom, and it is a feminine noun in Italian) and "Eridano Sirio" (Eridano being the name of an ancient god of the Po river).
In September 2007, Bossi accepted an invitation by Father Florian Abrahamowicz to his celebration of a Tridentine Mass and said there were affinities between the Lega Nord and the followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.