
3 unusual facts about Neue Künstlervereinigung München

Neue Künstlervereinigung München

The Neue Künstlervereinigung München e.V (NKVM), ("Munich New Artist's Association", if literally translated from German) formed in 1909 in Munich around Wassily Kandinsky, and prefigured Der Blaue Reiter, the first modernist secession which is regarded as a forerunner and pathfinder for Modern art in 20th-century Germany.

The catalogue of the first NKVM exhibition lists 128 items by 16 artists: Paul Baum, Wladimir von Bechtejeff, Erma Bossi, Dresler, Eckert, Erbslöh, Pierre Girieud, Karl Hofer, Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Kanoldt, Kogan, Alfreds Kubin, Münter, Pohle, Werefkin, and is accompanied by 14 reproductions and a list of prices.

The third and final NKVM exhibition showed 58 paintings by 8 artists: Erma Barrera-Bossi, Wladimir von Bechtejeff, Adolf Erbslöh, Pierre Girieud, Alexej von Jawlensky, Alexander Kanoldt, Moissey Kogan and Marianne von Werefkin, and 8 illustrations – one for each participant.

Thannhauser Galleries

Encouraged by Hugo von Tschudi, Thannhauser housed the initial exhibitions of the "Neue Künstlervereinigung München" and "Der Blaue Reiter".

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