
2 unusual facts about Erzincan


The Russian General Nikolai Yudenich led the Russian Caucasus Army who captured Mama Hatun on 12 July 1916.

The Erzincan valley crossed by the upper Euphrates was the location of the most important pre-Christian shrine in Armenia, dedicated to the Armenian goddess Anahit.


From 2007 to 2009 the local Chief Public Prosecutor in Erzincan, İlhan Cihaner, investigated the community and ordered wire-tapping after reports of the community offering unauthorised Koran courses and preventing girls from attending school.

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Aerial lifts constructed in many places of Turkey followed as Keçiören Gondola in Ankara (2007), Muş Ski Lift (2008), Aydın Gondola (2008), Kars Sarıkamış Chairlift and Kars Çamurlu T-bar lift (2009), Erzincan Mt. Ergan Chairlift (2010), Van Gevaş Abalı Chairlift (2011), Çankırı-Ilgaz Chairlift (2012), Hakkari-Merga Büte (2012).


This dance was especially popular in the regions of Erzincan, Erzurum, Kiğı, Arabkir, Elazığ, and Malatya.

see also