
2 unusual facts about Esaias Tegnér

Gyllenhaal family

She was the subject of a poem by the leading Swedish poet Esaias Tegnér, and a song by Erik Gustaf Geijer; she herself wrote songs and set Tegnér's Rings Drapa to music.


The lyrics to track number six, "The Giant's Laughter", are a translation of the poem "Jätten" written by the Swedish poet Esaias Tegnér.

Rock Island Public Library

The twelve authors carved into the sandstone are the last names of Homer, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Virgil, Victor Hugo, William Shakespeare, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Robert Burns, Esaias Tegner, Alighieri Dante, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and George Bancroft.

see also