
unusual facts about Esse


De bene esse |

Esse stoves

The business prospered throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries so that the company were able to claim that every single Royal household in Europe owned an Esse, and included Auguste Escoffier, Mrs Beeton, Florence Nightingale and Captain Scott among their famous clients.

Halsbrücker Esse

Halsbrücker Esse is a smokestack to the north of Halsbrücke near Freiberg.

Poeke Castle

Later, Charles Florent Idesbald de Preudhomme d'Hailly, Burgrave of Nieuwpoort, Oombergen, Sint-Lievens-Esse and Schoonbergen, Baron of Poeke and lord of Neuville, Kanegem and Velaine (1716–1792), carried out significant work on the castle between 1743 and 1752.


Isidore Etymologiae 1.27.29 (ubi litterae consonantes geminabantur, sicilicum superponebant, ut 'cella', 'serra', 'asseres': ueteres enim non duplicabant litteras, sed supra sicilicos adponebant; qua nota admonebatur lector geminandam esse litteram); Nisus fr.

West Hesse Depression

The West Hesse Depression runs along the valleys of the Schwalm, Eder, Fulda, Esse and Diemel roughly from Alsfeld in the south to Bad Karlshafen in the north.

see also