The museum has a flag that went to the moon with astronaut Eugene Cernan on Apollo 17.
It is named for astronaut Eugene Cernan, who flew aboard the Gemini 9 and Apollo 10 missions and, as commander of Apollo 17, was the last astronaut to leave his footprints on the moon.
Eugene O'Neill | Eugene, Oregon | Eugène Delacroix | Eugene Onegin | Eugène Ionesco | Eugene | Eugene Onegin (opera) | Eugene McCarthy | Pope Eugene IV | Eugène Ysaÿe | Eugene Wigner | Eugene Field | Eugene Aynsley Goossens | Gene Eugene | Harold Eugene Edgerton | Eugene Levy | Eugène de Beauharnais | W. Eugene Smith | Pope Eugene III | Eugene Ormandy | Eugene Jolas | Eugene Fama | Eugene Cernan | Eugène Atget | David Eugene Edwards | H. Eugene Stanley | Eugene V. Debs | Eugene Nickerson | Eugene Chadbourne | Eugene Braunwald |
Astronaut Gene Cernan first visited the McDonogh School indoor pool facility for post-mission evaluation of problems that he encountered during his Gemini IX-A EVA.
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12790 Cernan, A minor planet named for astronaut Eugene Cernan