
unusual facts about Eugene J. McCarthy Center for Public Policy

Eugene J. McCarthy Center for Public Policy

Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania

Eugene J. Martin

As a child, Eugene ran away on several occasions, was placed in reform school at six years of age, and eventually spent the remainder of his childhood on a farm in Clarksburg, Maryland where his foster parents were Franie and Madessa Snowdon.

He briefly attended the Navy for the opportunity to receive an art education, but instead was honorably discharged.

Masur Museum of Art

The collection also features the work of distinguished artists with ties to Louisiana, namely Lynda Benglis, Clyde Connell, Alexander John Drysdale, John Geldersma, Ida Kohlmeyer, Eugene J. Martin, and George Rodrigue, among others.

see also