
3 unusual facts about Eugenia Charles

Alastair Forbes

Forbes’ first overseas posting was to Dominica in the British West Indies in 1936 as a magistrate and government officer, where much of his time was spent compiling an index of the island's laws (his assistant for many years was the barrister (later Dame) Eugenia Charles, who subsequently co-founded the centrist Dominica Freedom Party and in 1980 became the Caribbean's first female prime minister).

Dominica–France Maritime Delimitation Agreement

The treaty was signed by French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac and Dominica Prime Minister Eugenia Charles.

Pointe Michel

It is located to the south of the capital, Roseau, and is known for being the birthplace of Dominica's first (and to date only) female Prime Minister, Dame Eugenia Charles.

Don Andrews

In what became known as Operation Red Dog, Ku Klux Klan leaders Wolfgang Droege and Don Black, as well as former Prime Minister Patrick John, conspired to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Eugenia Charles on the island of Dominica.

see also