In 1993 RTP created a telenovela titled A Banqueira do Povo ("The People's Banker") based on these events with Eunice Muñoz playing the role of the title character, in this case Dona Benta.
In 1985 he hosted Arroz Doce along with Eunice Muñoz and in 1986 he hosted Clube dos Amigos Disney where he inherited the nickname Uncle Júlio.
Luis Muñoz Marín | Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport | Juan Muñoz | Manuel Pineda Munoz | Luis Muñoz Rivera | Eunice | Eunice Alberts | Ricardo Muñoz | Pablo Muñoz Vega | Muñoz, Nueva Ecija | Mickey Munoz | Manuel Muñoz | Luis Muñoz Rivera Park | Gustavo Madero Muñoz | Eunice Norton | Eunice Muñoz | Eunice, Louisiana | Eunice Kennedy Shriver | Carli Muñoz | Antonio Muñoz Molina | Alberto Muñoz | Agustín Muñoz Grandes | Tito Muñoz | Susana Blaustein Muñoz | Rodrigo Muñoz | Rafael Muñoz Núñez | Nicole Muñoz | Nancy Munoz | Miguel Ángel Muñoz | Mary Eunice Harlan |