Adult males mud puddle and both sexes are attracted to flowers, especially those of Eupatorium species.
Adults of both sexes have been found on the flowers of Eupatorium species.
They feed on flower nectar from a variety of weeds and garden plants including Lantana, Eupatorium and Bougainvillea.
Adults feed on the nectar of various flowers, including Tournefortia, Cordia, Lantana, and Eupatorium species.
The larvae are greenish, striped with wine color and white, and feed on Eupatorium species (including Eupatorium purpurascens) and Epilobium species.
Adults have been recorded feeding from the flowers of Eupatorium species.
The larvae feed on various plants and have been recorded on Acer, Eupatorium, Helianthus, Dianthus caryophyllus, Helianthemum, Hypericum perforatum, Rhododendron, Trifolium, Sassafras, Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium thurberi, Fragaria, Prunus persica, Rosa and Citrus species.
They are most frequently encountered perching along the forest edge on the tops of leaves with the wings half open or nectaring on a variety of flowers, including Eupatorium, Daucus, Palicourea, Tournefortia, Urera, Senecio and Canna species.
The butterflies feed on blossoms of such plants as the ground-elder, Eupatorium, Valeriana, and burnet saxifrage.