
unusual facts about Eurest Support Services

Peter R. Harris

Although no documentation suggests any link between Compass Group or its subsidiary Eurest Support Services (ESS) (sometimes referred to as Eurest or Eurest Support Services, or even ESS Support Services Worldwide) to the Oil-for-Food Programme scandal, Fox News in particular alleged questionable conduct by Harris.

World Beef Report

Some of World Beef Report subscriptors are: Maredo, Nestlé, Kraft Foods, Cananmeats, Rabobank, Frien Kong, Botswana Meat Commission, Danish Livestock and Meat Board, Bord Bia, Ess Foods, HLM Restaurants, Boston Agrex, Cactus Feeders, PD Cargo, Rabobank, Texas Meat Packers, Steiner & co and Zandbergen.

see also