
4 unusual facts about Eurobonds


Italy and Greece have frequently spoken out in favour of eurobonds, the then Italian Minister of economy Giulio Tremonti calling it the "master solution" to the eurozone debt crisis.

Bulgarian finance minister Simeon Djankov criticised eurobonds in Austria's Der Standard: "Cheap credit got us into the current eurozone crisis, it's naive to think it is going to get us out of it."

Hans-Werner Sinn from the Munich based Ifo Institute for Economic Research believes the cost for German tax payers to be between 33 and 47 billion Euros per year.

On 28 November 2011, German newspaper Die Welt reported that Germany, France and four other AAA-rated EU members may issue common "elite bonds" (or "triple A bonds") in a bid to raise more money at low interest rates for themselves and, under strict conditions, to help also indebted euro region members.



London is one of the centers of the Eurobond market, but Eurobonds may be traded throughout the world - for example in Singapore or Tokyo.

see also