It was rediscovered by the American Wolfe Expedition in 1885, when the Palmyrene Gate was photographed by John Henry Haynes.
Later, renewed campaigns directed by Michael Rostovtzeff continued until 1937, when funds ran out with only part of the excavations published.
A less known temporary name of Rey, Iran: the successors of Alexander rebuilt the town "Rhages" and renamed it "Europos"
The city, which was destroyed, has not been rediscovered; but it is thought to have been located near the Euphrates and Europos or Carchemish (Djerabis).
Machatas of Europos | Europos | Dura-Europos church | Dura-Europos |
On March 5, 1933, during the excavations conducted by Clark Hopkins amongst the ruins of a Roman border-town, Dura-Europos, on the lower Euphrates, under the embankment which filled in the street inside the wall and also covered the Christian church and the Jewish synagogue, the parchment fragment now known as Dura Parchment 24 was found.
Though this was quickly corrected by the vice-director of excavations Robert du Mesnil du Buisson in Les peintures de la synagogue de Doura-Europos (Rome, 1939).
The best examples of this is now purely Parthian art but not from the capital, but from locations on the edge of the Parthian empire, such as Dura Europos, Hatra or belonging to the kingdom of Palmyra.