
2 unusual facts about Every Man

Every Man

It was released as their second single from their 2007 album The Altar and the Door.

Every Man's Battle

Every Man's Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time is a book written by Steve Arterburn, Fred Stoeker and Mike Yorkey about topics such as adultery, fornication, impure thoughts, lust, paraphilia, and pornography.

see also

Anne Eyre Worboys

In 1977, her novel Every Man A King (aka Rendezvous with Fear) won the Romantic Novel of the Year Award by the Romantic Novelists' Association.

She won the Mary Elgin Award in 1975, and the Romantic Novel of the Year Award by the Romantic Novelists' Association in 1977 by her novel Every Man A King (aka Rendezvous with Fear).


First, after the failed revolt by the city of Mytilene, Cleon persuaded the Athenians to slaughter not just the Mytilenean prisoners, but every man in the city, and to sell their wives and children as slaves.

Ernest Hilgard

The Stoic philosopher Epictetus wrote: God has placed at every man’s side a guardian, the Daemon of each man, who is charged to watch over him; a Daemon that cannot sleep, nor be deceived.

Grand Central Murder

Like the inspiration of her stage name, King Midas, everything (or rather every man) she touched, turned to gold for her purse.

Light of Christ

One of the main reference points for 'the light of Christ,' is from the prologue of John John 1:9 "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." (KJV Bible).

Lord John Murray

Papers of the day speak of him as marching down in full regimentals at the head of the many highlanders disabled at Ticonderoga in 1758, to plead their claims before the Chelsea board, with the result that every man received a pension.

Santa Barbara Museum of Art

Recent examples include Yinka Shonibare, MBE: A Flying Machine for Every Man, Woman and Child and Other Astonishing Works (2009), Chasing Moby-Dick: Selected Works by Tony de los Reyes (2010), and Charles Garabedian: A Retrospective (2011).

Stanford v. Texas

The court quoted Revolutionary War-era figure James Otis; regarding writs of assistance, Otis remarks, "they are the worst instrument of arbitrary power ... that ever was found in an English law book... placing the liberty of every man in the hands of every petty officer."