
unusual facts about Exaggeration


Compare with the scene in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail involving the Black Knight character which is the opposite extreme of absurdity (minimisation).


Alexander Rosenberg

Leon Wiseltier's claim, in turn, was critiqued as exaggeration by Philip Kitcher in the New York Times Book Review.

André Chénier

Although John Milton and James Thomson seem to have interested him, and a few of his verses show slight inspiration from Shakespeare and Thomas Gray, it would be an exaggeration to say Chénier studied English literature.

Daniel Landin

In 1987 he directed Laibachs Geburt Einer Nation ("Birth of a Nation"), filmed on various locations in Slovenia and in a "Third Reich"-style, a typical pop video but with an exaggeration of certain Riefenstahl-like elements.


Opinions differ as to his poetical merits, but, when due allowance is made for rhetorical exaggeration and consequent want of lucidity, his works show considerable vigour of expression, and a remarkable knowledge of the Bible and of Roman classical literature.

Jakobea of Baden

Comparing Jakobea to Mary Stuart is not entirely far-fetched; even so, it may be an exaggeration.

Oleg Tistol

Oleg Tistol's early works, the large-scale paintings (“Zinovy Bogdan Khmelnitsky” (1988), “Reunification” (1988), “The Farewell of Slavyanka” (1989), “Exercise with Maces” (1989)) demonstrate the main features of the Ukrainian “new wave” — free play with symbols, bright expressive colors, and special “exaggeration” of artistic devices.

Percy Gray

He was clearly applying the precepts of his mentor William Merritt Chase in exaggeration of light and color.

Roland Warpole Loane

He took his complaints to England and prosecuted in person, displaying rancour, exaggeration and disregard of evidence which did not impress the Colonial Office.

Titanic: Blood and Steel

The worries portrayed among Lord Pirrie, Thomas Andrews and Dr. Muir about the Titanic being just "too big" are a great exaggeration.

see also