
unusual facts about Exalted

Stephen Lea Sheppard

Beginning in 2007, he has co-authored several modules for the role playing game Exalted.


Exalted |

Adriel N. Williams

His military decorations include the Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, Distinguished Flying Cross with three oak leaf clusters, Air Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, and The Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant, Thailand.

Criticism of the Quran

Some early Islamic histories recount that as Muhammad was reciting Sūra Al-Najm (Q.53), as revealed to him by the angel Gabriel, Satan tempted him to utter the following lines after verses 19 and 20: "Have you thought of Al-lāt and al-'Uzzā and Manāt the third, the other; These are the exalted Gharaniq, whose intercession is hoped for."


In his poem Defenestration, R.P. Lister wrote with amusement over the creation of so exalted a word for so basic a concept.

God in Mormonism

However, Gordon B. Hinckley, former prophet and president of the church, stated that he was sure man was to be exalted, but was unsure that God was once exalted.

Lotus Mark VI

The Mark VI chassis came with mounting points for several different engines including the 1172cc (71.5ci) Ford 10, the 1250 cc or 1500 cc MG TF, the 1500cc (92ci) Consul, and the exalted Coventry Climax.


Mahākāla (known as Daikokuten 大黑天) enjoys an exalted position as a household deity in Japan, as he is one of the Seven Lucky Gods in Japanese folklore.

Mahbub Ali Khan, Asaf Jah VI

Nawab Bahadur Sirajud Dawlah, Lieutenant-General His Highness Rustam-i-Dauran, Arustu-i-Zaman, Wal Mamaluk, Asaf Jah VI, Muzaffar ul-Mamaluk, Nizam ul-Mulk, Nizam ud-Daula, Nawab Mir Sir Mahbub 'Ali Khan Bahadur, Sipah Salar, Fath Jang, Nizam of Hyderabad, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Honourable Lieutenant-General in the Army.

Manolya Onur

She was the third wife of "His Imperial and Exalted Highness" Nizam Mukarram Jah, Nizam of Hyderabad, Imperial Prince of the Ottoman Empire.

Paul Foot

Foot wrote Red Shelley, a book which exalted the radical politics of Shelley's poetry.

Philostratus of Lemnos

Written in the form of a conversation between a Thracian vine-dresser on the shore of the Hellespont and a Phoenician merchant who derives his knowledge from the hero Protesilaus, Palamedes is exalted at the expense of Odysseus, and Homer's unfairness to him is attacked.

Ranks in the French Army

Six marshals of France have been given the even more exalted rank of "marshal general of France" (maréchal général de France): Biron, Lesdiguières, Turenne, Villars, Saxe and Soult.

Sex report film

Hausfrauen-Report (1971), Ehemänner-Report (1971), Lehrmädchen-Report (1972), Krankenschwestern-Report (1972), Teenager-Report (1973) were among the most distinguished specimens of the genre whereas Ernst Hofbauer exalted as a pioneering director.

Sexuality of William Shakespeare

:Since modern readers are unused to such ardor in masculine friendship and are likely to leap at the notion of homosexuality (a notion sufficiently refuted by the sonnets themselves), we may remember that such an ideal, often exalted above the love of women, could exist in real life, from Montaigne to Sir Thomas Browne, and was conspicuous in Renaissance literature.


The full title of the Susuhunan in Javanese is Sampeyan Dalem ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan Prabhu Sri Paku Buwana Senapati ing Alaga Ngabdulrahman Sayidin Panatagama (His Exalted Majesty, The Susuhunan, King Paku Buwana, Commander-in-chief in war, Servant of the Most Gracious, Caliph who safeguards the Religion)

Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas

One of the quotes from this Tablet, "The source of all learning is the knowledge of God, exalted be His glory" was chosen by Shoghi Effendi to adorn one of the doors on the House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois.

Walter Künneth

Ritschl added to the confusion by approaching from the other direction: the qualities of the exalted Christ are already contained in his existence in time.

see also