
unusual facts about Excellency

His Excellency

Excellency, an honorific style given to certain holders of high-ranking offices of state or influential organizations such as a Bishop, Archbishop, President, Ambassador or Prime Minister

1726 in literature

John Balguy - A letter to a Deist concerning the Beauty and Excellency of Moral Virtue, and the Support and Improvement which it receives from the Christian Religion


Its alumni include both current President His Excellency Anote Tong, and previous incumbent Teburoro Tito.


As of late 2013, the holder of the title is His Excellency Konrad Krajewski, succeeding Guido Pozzo.

Ancient Ganja Gate

The inscriptions in Kufi Arabic on the surviving leaf of the gate read: "With the name of Allah, the merciful and benevolent. The Excellency Sayyid Shawur ibn Al-Fazl - May Allah keep his supremacy longer! - ordered this door to be built with the help of Abul Faraj Muhammad ibn Abdulla - Let Allah give success to him too. Smith Ibrahim ibn Osman Angaveyh's work. (1063)".

Asgiriya Stadium

1915 - His Excellency Robert Chalmers, G.C.B., declares open the new Asgiriya Playing field with its pavilion and gymnasium.

Auckland Anniversary Day

The New Zealand Government Gazette of 26 January 1842 (Volume 2, 4th Edition) carried a notice stating, "Saturday, the 29th instant, being the SECOND ANNIVERSARY of the establishment of the Colony, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to direct that day to be held a GENERAL HOLIDAY, on which occasion the Public Offices will be closed."

Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe

After many fits and starts, in 1988 His Excellency Josè E. Jiménez Robles, eighth bishop of Zamora, was able to plan for restarting construction and in 1989, it was decided to dedicate the building to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Debraj Shome

For this honour, he along with noted cornea surgeon, Dr. Vandana Jain were congratulated by The President of India, His Excellency, The Honourable Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

GEMS American Academy, Abu Dhabi

On December 13, 2011, President Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, opened GAA in a new facility in Khalifa City in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and His Excellency Humaid Mohammed Al Khathami, UAE Minister of Education.

George Joseph Lucas

He succeeded Elden Francis Curtiss, and was installed at St. Cecilia Cathedral on July 22, 2009, by His Excellency, The Most Reverend Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See to the United States.

Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir

Among her most recent solo exhibitions are My Gift, Your Excellency in ASI Art Museum (IS 2011), Audition in Ace Art Inc (CA 2008) both in collaboration with writer Kristin Omarsdottir and Cultus Bestiae Reykjavik Art Museum (IS 2008).

Guyana National Museum

The new museum building at North Road and Hincks Street was reopened on 28 July 1951 by His Excellency, the Officer Administering the Government, the Honorable John Gutch.

Hans Lippershey

Lippershey's application for a patent was mentioned at the end of a diplomatic report on an embassy to Holland from the Kingdom of Siam sent by the Siamese king Ekathotsarot: Ambassades du Roy de Siam envoyé à l'Excellence du Prince Maurice, arrivé à La Haye le 10 Septemb. 1608 (Embassy of the King of Siam sent to his Excellency Prince Maurice, arrived at The Hague on September 10, 1608).

Harry Parr-Davies

In 1944, his musical, Jenny Jones, which had a Welsh setting, was a flop, but it was followed by the successful revue Fine Feathers (1945), Her Excellency (1949) starring Cicely Courtneidge, and Dear Miss Phoebe (1950).

Joseph Caulfield James

His excellency Pong Sarasin served as its first Thai Chairman (1978-1990), implementing a number of infrastructural and organisational changes.

Kithinji Kiragu

On Jamhuri Day, 12 December 2006, His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki honoured KK with Order of the Grand Warrior of Kenya (OGW).

Len Roberts-Smith

Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith (born 1978) became Australia's most highly decorated current serving soldier when he was awarded the Victoria Cross for Australia by Her Excellency, the Governor General of Australia, Quentin Bryce on 23 January 2011 for most conspicuous gallantry in action in circumstances of extreme peril on 11 June 2010, during the Shah Wali Kot Offensive in Afghanistan.

Manitoba Club

This building was officially opened by His Excellency Sir Albert Henry George Grey, 4th Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada, on October 10, 1905.

Margaret Hasluck

Attended by the prefect of the Elbasan District, Shefqet Deliallisi, the Mayor of Elbasan Qazim Sejdini and Her Excellency Fiona McIlwham, British Ambassador to Albania among many guests, the ceremony was also attended by several members of Margaret's Hardie Family.

Ministry of Ports and Highways

Minister of Ports and Highways(Cabinet)— His Excellency the President of the Democratic Socialist republic of Sri Lanka, Hon.Mr.Mahinda Rajapaksha.

Mongkol Borey District

The Mongkol Borey district governor reports to His Excellency Oung Ouen, the Governor of Banteay Meanchey.

Murugesan A/L Sinnandavar

The other notable members of the panel was His Excellency Royal Prof Dr. Ungku Aziz, Datin Paduka, Sharifah Mazlina (the First Malaysian to reach the South Pole) and RtHonourable Dr. Tan SengGiaw (Deputy President of DAP).

Praxis Ethiopia

Ethiopia's Prime Minister, His Excellency Ato Meles Zenawi serves as the Honorary Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

Preah Netr Preah District

The Preah Netr Preah district governor reports to His Excellency Oung Ouen, the Governor of Banteay Meanchey.

Princess Alexandra of Denmark

Her Excellency Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, formerly Princess Alexandra of Denmark (1964- ), née Alexandra Christina Manley - ex-wife of Prince Joachim of Denmark


A group of Karaite Jews from Egypt moved onto the moshav, renaming it Ranen, which like the names of several other moshavim in the area, is taken from the Book of Isaiah 35:2,It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice, even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon; they shall see the glory of the Lord, the excellency of our God.

RFUEA Ground

It attracted a gate (with borrowed seating) of 6000 and J.A.E. Siggins, the manager of the Lions, was given the honour of opening the ground in the presence of His Excellency Sir Evelyn Baring, the Governor of Kenya.

Rosa 'Belmonte'

Rosa Belmonte was named in honour of Her Excellency Donna Francesca Elbrick di Belmonte, descendant of the Dukes of Acerenza and daughter of TE the Prince and Princess of Belmonte, to mark the occasion of her marriage to the grandson of Ambassador Charles Elbrick.

Serei Saophoan District

The Serei Saophoan district governor reports to His Excellency Oung Ouen, the Governor of Banteay Meanchey.

Svay Chek District

The Svay Chek district governor reports to His Excellency Oung Ouen, the Governor of Banteay Meanchey.

Thma Puok District

The Thma Puok district governor reports to His Excellency Oung Ouen, the Governor of Banteay Meanchey.

Thomas Braddell

Major John Frederick Adolphus McNair, with a party, was sent ashore to ask the Sultan to come off and see His Excellency, but the Sultan refused, and Major McNair, after waiting three hours, returned, having effected nothing.

Vungwi Primary School

It is along the road between Cha Cha Cha Township or, Donga Town Ship and Tongogara High School in Shurugwi Rural Areas under the chieftainship of Chief Nhema.The school was known for its academic excellency during the late 80s and early 90s when it was used to attain a pass rate of 100% on the national grade 7 examinations set by the Ministry of Education, Zimbabwe.

see also