
2 unusual facts about Excitebike


Since this peripheral was only available in Japan (intended for use with Nintendo's Family BASIC), track saving was effectively unavailable to American and European players even though there are "save" and "load" options present within the in-game menus of those versions (the game's English manual states that "Save and Load menu selections are not operable in this game; they have been programmed in for potential product developments").


The rock group Minibosses "are one of the most well-established bands in the Nintendocore genre, with an impressive roster of covers including Contra, Double Dragon, Excitebike," and other video game themes.


Excitebike |

Famicom Data Recorder

Also, Castle Excellent, Excitebike, Mach Rider and Wrecking Crew can use this device in order to save tracks or stages created by users.

see also