Sal Rei | Sal, Cape Verde | Sal | Sal. Oppenheim | Sal Salvador | Sal Paradise | Sal Mineo | Sal Pace | Sal Esquivel | Sal Abbatiello | Alcácer do Sal | Sal Rocca | Sal Restivo | Sal DiDomenico | Ponta Preta (Northern Sal) | Manti-La Sal National Forest | Cay Sal Bank | Sal Rinauro | Sal Narducci | Sal Maroni | Sal Marchiano | Sal Fasano | Sal Castaneda | Sal Cannella | Sal Butera | Sal Bartolo | Sal Aunese | Sal Albanese | SAL | Laffing Sal |
In 1954, on a trip to Baja California Sur, Ludwig founded Exportadora de Sal, SA, which became the "Largest Salt Company in the World", at the Guerrero Negro Lagoon.
The salt mine was established around the Ojo de Liebre coastal lagoon taking advantage of the heavy salinity of the place.