Another example is neurofibromatosis, where patients with the same genetic mutation show different signs and symptoms of the disease.
The expression of a phenotype may be modified by the effects of aging, other genetic loci, or environmental factors.
Amongst the most widely admired works from his post-Darmstadt period are the Charles d'Orléans settings, Rondeaux per dieci (1963–64), which acquires a "torpid expressivity" through the juxtaposition of the coolness of an extremely high lyrical soprano voice and the resonance of the instrumental bass register (Bortolotto 1964, 161).
It has been shown to effectively reduce facial expressivity, subjective feelings of positive emotion, heart rate, and sympathetic activation.
Together with Konrad Wölki, Herman Ambrosius, Heinrich Konietzny and others, Behrend was one of the leading proponents in the development of mandolin and plucked string music towards higher quality and enhanced expressivity in Germany after the war.