
unusual facts about Extrasolar


Extraterrestrial, referring to objects or phenomena existing within the Solar System, but not on Earth


74503 Madola

In mid-2009, it was officially named Madola by the International Astronomical Union, in honor of Christian Marois (b. 1974), René Doyon (b. 1963) and David Lafrenière (b. 1978), who developed instruments and techniques that allowed the first direct photograph of an extrasolar planetary system, consisting of three planets orbiting the star HR 8799 in Pegasus.

Artie P. Hatzes

His achievements have included discovering the extrasolar planets Pollux b, Epsilon Eridani b and HD 13189 companion.

David Starr, Space Ranger

As John H. Jenkins has noted, Asimov's novels typically are set either on Earth (Pebble in the Sky, The End of Eternity, The Caves of Steel), or on fictional extrasolar planets (The Currents of Space, The Naked Sun, the Foundation series).

Geoffrey Marcy

Marcy confirmed Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz's discovery of the first extrasolar planet orbiting a Sun-like star—51 Pegasi b.


It takes place in 1906 when the British Empire rules all of Earth and several extrasolar colony worlds, powered by technology brought to the planet by Halley's Comet.

HD 209458

Soon after the discovery, separate teams led by David Charbonneau and Gregory W. Henry were able to detect a transit of the planet across the surface of the star making it the first known transiting extrasolar planet.

HD 209458 b

Soon after the discovery, separate teams, one led by David Charbonneau including Timothy Brown and others, and the other by Gregory W. Henry, were able to detect a transit of the planet across the surface of the star making it the first known transiting extrasolar planet.


Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler, a program of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics that aims to search for moons of extrasolar planets

Planet finder

Terrestrial Planet Finder, a NASA project for a telescope system to detect extrasolar terrestrial planets

Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai

In 1855, Captain W. S. Jacob of the East India Observatory in Madras found orbital anomalies in the binary star 70 Ophiuchi that he claimed are evidence of an extrasolar planet—the first exoplanet false alarm.

see also