The Pharaoh Hound is an exuberant chaser, but it is relaxed in homes, even if it is eager to run.
Biological Exuberance was cited in the U.S. Supreme Court case Lawrence v. Texas as evidence that homosexual behavior is natural, and formed the basis for the museum exhibition Against Nature?.
They contrast with those of previous generations, differing from the exuberance of Kai Nielsen and the ornamentation of Johannes Bjerg and Einar Utzon-Frank.
Even inside the building, the monumental, historicised murals created by Professor Hermann Wislicenus in the period 1879-1897 testify to the national feeling of exuberance of that time.
Bubble Man: Alan Greenspan and the Missing 7 Trillion Dollars, Hartcher's critique of the Federal Reserve Board's management of the US economy through the years of irrational exuberance, was published in 2004 to a mixed reception in the US, where Greenspan retained his iconic status, but was met with greater critical enthusiasm internationally.
His Rhythmic Exuberance series of paintings also form the main theme for the interiors of the Farrer Park MRT Station.