
unusual facts about FARP


Forward Area Refueling/Rearming Point or Forward Arming Refueling Point — from the US DoD, battlefield area designated for the re-arming and re-fueling of aircraft.



Foreign relations of Cape Verde

Prime Minister Pedro Pires sent FARP soldiers to Angola where they served as the personal bodyguards of Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos.


Additionally, the squadron had operated from the austere Forward Operating Base (FOB), Jalibah in Southern Iraq, and supported a Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP) in Al Kut, Iraq.

Marine Wing Support Squadron 373

During the month of April 2003, MWSS-373 continued to conduct FARP operations at Tikrit Airfield, Iraq (northern most USMC FARP in Iraq) and Ad Diwaniyah, Iraq.

see also