
unusual facts about FBI Director

Arar v. Ashcroft

The Center for Constitutional Rights brought the suit Arar v. Ashcroft against former Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Robert Mueller, and then-Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, as well as numerous U.S. immigration officials.

Ashcroft v. Iqbal

At issue was whether current and former federal officials, including FBI Director Robert Mueller and former United States Attorney General John Ashcroft, were entitled to qualified immunity against an allegation that they knew of or condoned racial and religious discrimination against individuals detained after the September 11 attacks.

Filiberto Ojeda Ríos

In late March 2006, the Puerto Rico Department of Justice sued federal authorities, including FBI Director Robert Mueller and US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, seeking an injunction to force the federal government authorities to provide the Commonwealth government with information related to the operation in which Ojeda Ríos died, as well as another one in which the FBI searched the homes of independence supporters affiliated with Los Macheteros.

Ronald Kessler

Kessler’s book, The FBI: Inside the World’s Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency, led to the dismissal of William S. Sessions as FBI director over his abuses.

United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations

He appointed Special Agent Joseph Carroll, a senior FBI official and assistant to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, as the first AFOSI commander and charged him with providing independent, unbiased and centrally directed investigations of criminal activity in the Air Force who later became the first director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

see also

2009 Pittsburgh police shootings

Guests at the ceremony included FBI Director Robert Mueller; Allegheny County District Attorney Steven Zappala; county executive Dan Onorato; Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell; state Attorney General Tom Corbett; U.S. Senator Bob Casey; former Pittsburgh Police Chief Nathan Harper;and former chief Robert McNeilly.

ACLU v. Clapper

The named defendants include Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper, NSA Director Keith B. Alexander, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Attorney General Eric H. Holder, and FBI director James B. Comey.

Across the Line: The Exodus of Charlie Wright

Corbin Bernsen as FBI Director Hill: Furious with Hobbs and demanding a quick resolution to the conflict

Carlo Peter Caputo

Former FBI Director William Sessions cited Caputo as the Mob boss of Madison during a 1988 congressional hearing on organized crime.

Criticism of the 9/11 Commission

Former FBI director Louis Freeh criticized the 9/11 Commission for ignoring key evidence from Able Danger, which he alleged resulted in false statements being made in the final 9/11 Commission report.

Dar Al-Hijrah

The FBI Director of Counter-Intelligence for the Middle East, Gordon M. Snow was a frequent, weekly, attendee of the services in the spring and summer of 2001, while also completing his Master's Degree 3 miles away.

Incompatible Timesharing System

A target of OS could detect and kill it using another command called JEDGAR, named for FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover).

Mary Reeser

On July 7, 1951, St. Petersburg police chief J.R. Reichert sent a box of evidence from the scene to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

Michael Registe

FBI director Robert Mueller announced Registe's addition to the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list on the July 26 edition of America's Most Wanted.

Morton Halperin

The appointment of Halperin, a colleague of Kissinger's at Harvard University in the 1960s, was immediately criticized by General Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; FBI director J. Edgar Hoover; and Senator Barry Goldwater.

Nate Thomas

In 2010 Thomas received a commendation from FBI Director Robert Mueller for creating "Family Dinner", a 30 second television public service ad on cyber predators.

Robert Edward Chambliss

A May 13, 1965 memo Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director J. Edgar Hoover identified Chambliss, Bobby Frank Cherry, Herman Frank Cash and Thomas E. Blanton, Jr. as suspects in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing which resulted in the death of four young African-American girls.

The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover

The film is a chronicle of forty years in the life of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, starting first in the time of Prohibition, as he enforced the law on bootlegging and organized crime.