
5 unusual facts about Director of Central Intelligence

Disruptive Technology Office

ARDA was created in 1998 after the model of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) by the Director of Central Intelligence and the Department of Defense, and took responsibility for funding some of DARPA's projects.

Exceptional Collector Award

The DCI Exceptional Collector National HUMINT Award is a decoration awarded annually by the U.S. Director of Central Intelligence to recognize individuals and groups for improved Human Intelligence (HUMINT) collection and reporting of information that is of significant value to the U.S. intelligence community.

Executive Order 11905

First, the EO created a new National Security Committee on Foreign Intelligence, to be chaired by the Director of Central Intelligence.


Office of the Director of Central Intelligence, a historical post (1946-2005) in the United States of America

Sherman Kent

He succeeded Langer as chief of ONE in 1952, serving in that position for the next fifteen years under four Directors of Central Intelligence in four presidential administrations.

Arthur Trudeau

He was named Chief of Army intelligence in October 1953 but was relieved of his command 20 months later when Allen W. Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence, sent a scathing memorandum of complaints to the Pentagon.

John E. Otto

He became acting director of the FBI when director William H. Webster was appointed to Director of Central Intelligence, and stepped down when William Sessions gained Senate approval.

Larry C. Johnson

He has been interviewed by both the mass media and the alternative media and published commentaries on a variety of issues, including the Plame affair, the controversy concerning Mary McCarthy, and the resignation of Porter Goss as Director of Central Intelligence.

National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena

Another prominent figure joined NICAP’s board of governors: Keyhoe's Naval Academy classmate VADM Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, USN (Ret.) He had been Director of Central Intelligence and first head of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Operations Coordinating Board

The board's membership was to include the Under Secretary of State, who was to chair the board, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration, the Director of Central Intelligence, and the President's Special Assistant for Psychological Warfare.

Richard K. Lester

- Making Technology Work: Case Studies in Energy and the Environment (Cambridge University Press, 2003), co-authored with John M. Deutch, United States Deputy Secretary of Defense (1994 - 1995), Director of Central Intelligence (1995 - 1996).

Soviet support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war

Robert M. Gates, then head of the CIA National Intelligence Council, advanced the suggestion, which circulated over the signature of Director of Central Intelligence William Casey.

see also

Admiral Turner

Stansfield Turner (born 1923), Admiral and former Director of Central Intelligence

CIA activities in Brazil

ITT's president, Harold Geneen, was friends with the Director of Central Intelligence, John McCone.

Counterterrorism Center

Once Cofer Black had finalized his operational plan, Charles Allen, associate deputy director of Central Intelligence for Collection, created a dedicated al-Qaeda cell with officers from across the intelligence community.

John McMahon

John N. McMahon (born 1929), former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence and as Deputy Director for Operations for the CIA

William Raborn

Raborn retired from the Navy in 1965 and on April 28 of that year, despite his having no intelligence experience, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Raborn as the seventh Director of Central Intelligence (DCI).