
5 unusual facts about FIFO

Cross File Transfer

When the remote partner receives the request, it verifies that it is the correct destination and creates a record in its local catalogue that lists all requests (treated FIFO).


Features included integrated charts, hedging with no FIFO restrictions, different order types, real-time account summary and 24-hour reporting.


IronMQ uses HTTP/REST-based protocol and supports JSON messages up to 64k; guarantees order (FIFO); guarantees once only delivery; no delays retrieving messages.

Lean laboratory

If this is not inherent in the order in which samples arrive, then the samples are taken from an incoming queue according to customer demand and thereafter processed in FIFO order with no overtaking.

Packet loss

Most basic networking equipment will use FIFO queuing for packets waiting to go through the bottleneck and they will drop the packet if the queue is full at the time the packet is received.

American Brass Company

From 1922 to 1937, Anaconda American Brass used the FIFO method of accounting.

NABU Network

The logic module included four socketed chips: a TR1865CL-04, a full-duplex UART, an SC87253P 8-bit microprocessor, an N8X60N FIFO I/O controller and a pre-programmed ROM.

Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm

The general algorithm has O(V^2 E) time complexity, while the implementation with FIFO vertex selection rule has O(V^3) running time, the highest active vertex selection rule provides O(V^2\sqrt{E}) complexity, and the implementation with Sleator's and Tarjan's dynamic tree data structure runs in O(V E \log(V^2/E)) time.

The Last Trackers of the Outback

The documentary, co-directed by Eric Ellena and Vanessa Escalante, won the Public’s Choice Award 2008 FIFO - Pacific International Documentary Film Festival of Tahiti.

see also