
7 unusual facts about Fahrenheit 9/11

Born into Brothels

2004 International Documentary Association Award for Feature Documentaries - Briski, Kauffman, Geralyn Dreyfous-White, Pamela Boll (tied with Fahrenheit 9/11)

Know Your Rights

The song is featured on the compilation album, Songs and Artists That Inspired Fahrenheit 9/11, which followed up the 2004 documentary film Fahrenheit 9/11 by filmmaker Michael Moore, where the track listing was selected by Moore based on the songs and the artists he listened to while creating the documentary.

Manufacturing Dissent

The film also presents extended footage of the Al Smith annual memorial dinner from which Moore, in Fahrenheit 9/11, took a clip of President George W. Bush greeting the guests as the "haves and have-mores", insinuating that President Bush views the elite upper-class as his constituency, not the average American.

The film was made over the course of two years by Canadians Debbie Melnyk and Rick Caine after they viewed Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore's controversial film that attacked the Bush administration and its policies.

Raymond Plouhar

His death raised media attention because he had been filmed for the 2004 documentary film Fahrenheit 9/11.

Soundtrack to War

Seventeen of the early-filmed scenes from the documentary were used in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11.

Who's Gonna Save Us?

The song appeared on the soundtrack and in a television commercial for Michael Moore's 2004 film, Fahrenheit 9/11.

Anti-war movement

The current American war in Iraq has also generated significant artistic anti-war works, including film maker Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, which holds the box-office record for documentary films, and Canadian musician Neil Young's 2006 album Living with War.

Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi

Footage of the incident was later incorporated into the Michael Moore documentary Fahrenheit 9/11.

see also