
unusual facts about Fanny Lewald

Ida, Countess von Hahn-Hahn

The author's patrician leanings at length drew upon her the merciless ridicule of Fanny Lewald in a parody of her style entitled Diogena. Roman von Iduna Gräfin H..-H.. (1847), and this, as well as the death of Adolf Bystram in 1849, and the revolutions of 1848 seem to have co-operated in inducing her to embrace the Roman Catholic religion in 1850.

Alexander Duncker

Among the authors he published were Thekla von Gumpert, Ida Hahn-Hahn, Paul Heyse, Karl von Holtei, August Kopisch, Fanny Lewald, Elise Polko, Christian Friedrich Scherenberg, Hermann von Pücker-Muskau, and Friedrich von Uechtriz.

see also