
unusual facts about Faustus, Bishop of Reii

Christianity in Gaul

Proculus, Bishop of Marseille, had obliged Leporius, a disciple of Pelagius, to leave Gaul, but it was not long before Marseille and Lérins, led by Cassian, Vincent and Faustus, became hotbeds of a teaching opposed to St. Augustine's and known as Semipelagianism.

Claudianus Mamertus

Written between 468 and 472, this work was destined to combat the ideas of Faustus, Bishop of Reii (modern Riez, in the department of Basses-Alpes), particularly his thesis on the corporeity of the soul.

Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights

These include Faustus' relationship to Mephisto, Faustus and Marguerite Ida and Helena Annabel, and the pairings of minor characters (Boy and Dog, Boy and Girl, Dog Mephisto and Viper, Country Woman Viper and MIHA, the Man from Overseas and Faustus, he and MIHA).

Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights (1938) is a libretto for an opera by the American modernist playwright and poet Gertrude Stein.

Faustus Cornelius Sulla Felix

Faustus was exiled in 59 and confined to Massilia (modern Marseille, France).

Ipso facto

Aside from its technical uses, it occurs frequently in literature, particularly in scholarly addenda: e.g., "Faustus had signed his life away, and was, ipso facto, incapable of repentance" (re: Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus) or "These prejudices are rooted in the idea that every tramp ipso facto is a blackguard" (re: George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London).

Jean Gilpin

She played the Duchess of Vanholt in "Faustus" with Ian McKellen, directed by John Barton.


Ruickbie, Leo: Faustus: The Life and Times of a Renaissance Magician.

Although Mephistopheles appears to Faustus as a devil — a worker for Satan — critics claim that he does not search for men to corrupt but comes to serve and ultimately collect the souls of those who are already damned.

Muti Media

"Faust" was originally recorded for the Handspring/ William Kentridge production of Faustus in Afrika; vocal by Jennifer Ferguson

Publius Sittius

It is recorded that Sittius enjoyed several successes against the enemies of Caesar (Ch. 36), including later the defeat of Juba's forces under Saburra, and the successful ambush of Faustus Cornelius Sulla and Lucius Afranius as they attempted to flee to Spain following their defeat by Caesar at Thapsus (Ch. 95).

Quintus Anicius Faustus

Born either in Uzappa in the province of Numidia, or in Praeneste in Italia, it has been speculated that Anicius Faustus was possibly the son of a Sextus Anicius Saturninus and Seia Maxima.

see also