
6 unusual facts about Federal Assault Weapons Ban


These firearms were banned by most states after the passage of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban and other pieces of legislation, even after more cosmetic changes designed to make them appear to be less threatening.

Barrel shroud

The now-expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban included a barrel shroud in its list of features for which a semi-automatic pistol could be banned (two features in the list were required).

Flash suppressor

Flash suppressors and barrel shrouds were seen as 'military' features, and were on the list of Federally defined features that could cause a rifle to be defined as illegal, if manufactured after the effective date of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban that went into effect in 1994 in the United States.

Gun politics in New Zealand

The law also created the new category of "military-style semi-automatic", which like the Federal Assault Weapons Ban two years later in the United States, mainly covered the appearance rather than the functionality of the guns.

Intratec TEC-22

The Sport-22 featured a non-threaded barrel and a 10-round magazine to comply with the now expired 1994 U.S. firearms legislation which forbade the sale of the original TEC-22 model.


For example, a manufacturer might have replaced a pistol grip with a thumb-hole stock, or a flash suppressor with a muzzle brake,in order to comply with legislation such as the (now expired) US Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

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