
unusual facts about Feel the Need

Feel the Need

The album includes hits "Long Hot Summer Night" and "Heart To Heart" (duet with Stephanie Mills).

see also

Everest Syndrome

The Everest Syndrome, named by Maddux (cited in Gallo & Horton, 1994, p. 17) refers to the tendency of teachers to feel the need to use technology, specifically the Internet, in their classrooms simply because it exists (Maddux's choice of words may have been influenced by a reason attributed to George Mallory for wanting to climb Mount Everest).

Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

Pope Benedict quoted Pope Paul VI who stated that the work of evangelisation "proves equally increasingly necessary because of the frequent situations of de-Christianization of our days, for multitudes of people who have been baptized but who live quite outside of Christian life, for simple people who have a certain faith, but he knows the basics wrong, for intellectuals who feel the need to know Jesus Christ in a different light from the teaching they received as children, and for many others ".