For surviving women poets, like Britons Caroline Norton and Letitia Elizabeth Landon, Americans Lydia Sigourney and Frances Harper, the French Amable Tastu and German Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, and others, she was a valued model, or (for Elizabeth Barrett Browning) a troubling predecessor; and for male poets including Tennyson and Longfellow, an influence less acknowledged.
The poem Casabianca, by Felicia Hemans, tells the story of the heroic death of his son at the Battle of Aboukir Bay (and mentions his own death in passing).
He is known for his book called Hellenism and Romantic Women Writers from Palgrave/Macmillan Press and his articles in The Wordsworth Circle and the Keats-Shelley Journal on poets Letitia Landon and Felicia Hemans.
Felicia Hemans | Felicia Gallant | Felicia Day | Felicia Chin | Felicia Oh | William Pint and Felicia Dale | Felicia's Journey | Felicia Sanders | Felicia Mercado | Félicia Ballanger |