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He has received a DCH (Ireland and Edin), ABP, MRCP (UK) and a FRCP (Edin).
Sir Brian Mellor Greenwood, CBE, FRCP, FRS (born 1938) is a British physician, biomedical research scientist, academic, and recipient of the first Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize.
Dr Balakrishnar Manivannan, FRCP - Consultant Physician, National Health Service and Senior Clinical Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oxford
Sir John Edward Tooke, FRCP, PMedSci was the Inaugural Dean of the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, and of the Peninsula Medical School which was its first constituent.
William Marcet FRS FRCP (13 May 1828 - 4 March 1900) was President of the Royal Meteorological Society
John Windebank (1618–1704), an English physician who was admitted an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 1680 and was buried in Westminster Abbey.