In Satyajit Ray's Popular Detective Series Feluda, Mentions Pradosh Chandra Mitter aka Feluda's Father late Jaykrishna Mitter was a mathematics teacher of Dhaka Collegiate School.
Feluda |
Feluda along with Topshe and Topshe's father decide to visit their advocate uncle who stays near Bara Imambara, Lucknow.
This apparently simple problem takes Feluda, Topshe and Lalmohan babu to Shimla and into a realm of deceit and mystery (Bengali: rahashya) involving a long-forgotten diamond and an old priceless manuscript titled A Bengalee in Lamaland, written by Shambhu Charan Bose.
Disturbed by the heat and humidity of Calcutta in June, (combined with frequent electricity failures) the "Three Musketeers", Prodosh C. Mitter (Feluda), Topshe, and Lalmohon Babu (alias Jatayu) go to Puri for vacation.
It is the second film of Feluda as well as the sequel of Sonar Kella directed by Satyajit Ray.
Satyajit Ray wrote thirty-five Feluda stories, most of which were extremely popular, and made into films two of the Feluda stories – Sonar Kella (The Golden Fortress) (1974) and Joi Baba Felunath (The Elephant God) (1978).
Very few written records remain of Dr. Bose, but he was mentioned in Satyajit Ray's novel Chhinnamastar Abhishap (Trans: The Curse of the Goddess), featuring the famous fictional detective, Feluda.
His interpretation of the character in this and the other Feluda film Joi Baba Felunath were so powerful that Ray modeled the character of Jatayu in later books on him.
Feluda or Pradosh Chandra Mitter and his friend Jatayu or Lal Mohon Ganguly and Felu's cousin Tapesh Ranjan Mitter are seen in a taxi driving down V.I.P Road towards Dum Dum Airport in a taxi in the movie Bombaiyer Bombete.