Kölcsey's early metrical pieces contributed to the Transylvanian Museum did not attract much attention, while his severe criticisms of Mihály Csokonai Vitéz, János Kis, and especially Dániel Berzsenyi, published in 1817, rendered him very unpopular.
Ferenc Kölcsey (August 8, 1790, Sződemeter – August 24, 1838) was a Hungarian poet, literary critic, orator, and politician, noted for his support of the liberal current inside the Habsburg Empire.
In 1990 the College took the name of its one-time student, the poet of the national anthem, Ferenc Kölcsey.
Ferenc Molnár | Ferenc Rados | Ferenc Puskás | Ferenc Gyurcsány | Ferenc Erkel | Ferenc Mádl | Ferenc Szécsi | Ferenc Nemeth | Ferenc Farkas | Mitja Ferenc | Ferenc Török | Ferenc Szusza | Ferenc Reitter | Ferenc Puskás Stadium | Ferenc Paragi | Ferenc Nagy | Ferenc Móra | Ferenc Kölcsey | Ferenc Kardos | Ferenc Juhász (politician) | Ferenc Juhász | Ferenc Helbing | Ferenc Gyurcsány's speech in Balatonőszöd in May 2006 | Ferenc Gyurcsany | Ferenc Glatz | Ferenc Fejtő | Ferenc Deák | Ferenc Dávid | Ferenc Chalupetzky | Ferenc Cakó |
His memorials include Ferenc Erkel Memorial in Gyula, Lajos Kossuth Memorial in Makó and Hódmezővásárhely, György Bessenyei Memorial in Nyíregyháza, Dániel Irányi Memorial, Mihály Vörösmarty Memorial in Nyíregyháza (together with Ede Telcs in 1908) and Ferenc Kölcsey Memorial (1939) in Budapest.