
unusual facts about Fidenae

Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri

She has excavated extensively in Italy, including major excavations at Osteria dell'Osa, Castiglione, Fidenae, as well as excavations at Frattesina di Fratta Polesine (Rovigo), and Specchia Artanisi di Ugento.


Fidenae |

Gaius Fulcinius

By the second half of the 5th century BC, the former Roman colony of Fidenae had revolted against Rome, and placed themselves under the protection of the wealthy Etruscan city-state of Veii.

According to Livy, the leaders of Fidenae sent an urgent message to Lars Tolumnius, the king of Veii, asking what they should do.

Lars Tolumnius

The Fidenese leaders of the revolution offered Tolumnius control over their city, which the king gladly accepted, and when Rome sent the four emissaries (Tullus Cloelius, Gaius Fulcinius, Spurius Antius, and Lucius Roscius) to Veii to demand the hegemony of Fidenae back, Tolumnius had them executed.

see also