
4 unusual facts about Fillan


See also Historical Notices of St Fillan's Crozier, by Dr John Stuart (Aberdeen, 1877).

St. Fillan was credited with powers such as the healing of the sick and also possessed a luminous glow from his left arm which he used to study and write Sacred Scriptures in the dark.


The Breadalbane Folklore Centre in the Victorian former village mill displays the 'healing stones' of Saint Fillan.

Maurice of Inchaffray

According to a legendary account found in the writings of Hector Boece, Maurice brought to the battlefield the silver reliquary known to contain the left arm-bone of St Fillan, but for safety left the actual arm of the saint in the monastery.


Fillan |

Christianity in Medieval Scotland

Saints of Irish origin who were particularly revered included various figures called St Faelan and St. Colman, and saints Findbar and Finan.

Fillan of Pittenweem

He is supposed to have lived in what is now called St Fillan's Cave, situated in Cove Wynd, Pittenweem, which is open to the public.

Saint Mary's, Calton

A number of parishes pre-date St Mary's (St Mary's, Greenock, and St Mirin, Paisley; both 1808, St Patrick, Dumbarton, 1830, St Margaret, Airdrie, 1836; St. John, Barrhead, St Mary, Duntocher, and St Fillan, Houston; all 1841), but of all of these only Saint Margaret's, Airdrie, still has the original church (opened 1836).

see also