
unusual facts about Flatter


A flatter is a coloring specialist within the comic book industry that prepares the inked or sketched comic book page for the colorist with digital art software such as Adobe Photoshop.


Australian Stock Horse

While horses are now often being replaced in the flatter Outback and Top End by motorcycles and helicopters, they are still necessary today for mustering (roundups) in rugged mountain terrain.

Beige Brigade

Brigadiers and those who flatter them in imitation are now commonly seen sporting the very short shorts known as "Stubbies" and other items such as sweat bands, fluorescent zinc sunblock, and aviator sunglasses that were once staples of New Zealand summer menswear.

Catherine Shuvalova

According to Varvara Golovina, to strengthen its position Shuvalova was trying to flatter the prince Zubov, becoming the "main confidante of his senses.

Corsican painted frog

The Corsican painted frog is very similar in appearance to the Tyrrhenian painted frog but has a noticeably more rounded snout and a flatter back.

Great Gull Island

The dominant faunal feature of the island - during the summer months at least - is the active Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) colony spread across the flatter areas of the island that are not taken over by bittersweet (Celastrus) or common reed (Phragmites australis).

Prostitution in Poland

A Hungarian explorer to Poland in the early seventeenth century, Morton Szepsi Csombor, wrote that when he passed through Lipnica Murowana they were "surrounded by a swarm of unclean maidens to flatter and compliment us and play and sing".

The Golden Coach

The Viceroy hints of his intention to give the coach to his mistress, the Marquise, but has decided to pay for it with public funds, since he plans to use it to overawe the populace and flatter the local nobility, who enthusiastically look forward to taking turns parading in it.

Wei Fangzhi

When someone warned him that not doing so risked offending them, he responded, "Life and death are all determined by heaven. How can a real man prostrate himself to flatter imperial relatives just to avoid disaster?" Soon, Wei was falsely accused by Empress Dowager Wu's trusted secret police official Zhou Xing, and he was exiled to Dan Prefecture (儋州, roughly modern Danzhou, Hainan), and his assets were seized.

Zhou Chi

Zhou, in order to flatter Emperor Wenzong, responded that he could be compared to the mythical Emperor Yao and Emperor Shun.

see also