Quinito Valverde was also well known for a popular song called "Clavelitos" (Little Carnations) with words by José Juan Cadenas, which has been sung and recorded by performers as diverse as Conchita Supervía, Lucrezia Bori, Amelita Galli-Curci, Rosa Ponselle, Antonina Nezhdanova, Victoria de los Ángeles, and Florence Foster Jenkins.
Florence | Florence Nightingale | Jodie Foster | David Foster | University of Florence | Stephen Foster | John Foster Dulles | Karl Jenkins | Al Foster | Roy Jenkins | Katherine Jenkins | Norman Foster | Florence Henderson | Rube Foster | James Foster | Henry Jenkins | Florence, Alabama | David Foster Wallace | Foster and Partners | Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank | Mo Foster | Lawrence Foster | Frank Foster | Florence Turner | Florence, South Carolina | Florence of Worcester | Ben Foster | Vince Foster | Philip Jenkins | Paul Jenkins |
Florence Foster Jenkins enjoyed an extremely brief resurgence of popularity on the show, and occasionally a more 'mainstream' oddball tune, such as "I Like Chinese" or "The Monster Mash" will be played.
The recording presents a compilation of the history of this kind of singing on record, and the writer, musicologist Gregor Benko, states his opinion that Bates-Batcheller was an even "greater" bad singer than Florence Foster Jenkins.