According to Philip Jenkins, this is considered by many traditional Native peoples and their supporters to be an undesirable form of cultural appropriation.
Historian Philip Jenkins explored how hot topics such as the Franklin allegations, whether or not they are worthy of attention or credible on their own merits, are seized by political opportunists for their own purposes.
In the March 2007 issue of the journal First Things, in an article by Philip Jenkins entitled "Who is Harry Sylvester", Jenkins writes that Sylvester "lacks even the minimal fame of a Wikipedia entry."
Between 1977–80, Jenkins worked as a researcher for Sir Leon Radzinowicz, the pioneer of criminology studies at Cambridge.
Jenkins went on to state that Islam, Judaism and Christianity had undergone a process he refers to as "holy amnesia" in which violence in sacred texts become symbolic action against one's sins.
He conducted a study of the Quran and the Bible in the light of the September 11 attacks and accusation that the former incites violence.
Jenkins then studied for his PhD under the supervision of Sir John Plumb among others.
Others, such as Philip Jenkins in God's Continent, argue that Europe is post-Christian insofar as Christianity is no longer explicitly asserted and has not (under a strict definition) been so for over a century.
The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice is a book written by Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Professor of History and Religious studies at Pennsylvania State University, dealing with contemporary anti-Catholic bigotry, particularly in the United States.
Philip II of Spain | Philip K. Dick | John Philip Sousa | Philip II | Philip Roth | Philip IV of Spain | Philip II of Macedon | Philip | Philip Bradbourn | Philip Catherine | Prince Philip | Philip V of Spain | Philip Pullman | Philip Sheridan | Philip Larkin | Philip IV of France | Karl Jenkins | Roy Jenkins | Katherine Jenkins | Philip the Good | Philip Sidney | Philip Marlowe | Philip IV | Philip III of Spain | Philip Hammond | Philip Webb | Philip Seymour Hoffman | Henry Jenkins | Philip the Apostle | Philip Ruddock |